Mission Slideshow

Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Week #85


Random Thought: We have hot showers now :)

So this week was like every other first week of the transfer. But it seem that I can never get a smooth transfer.

On Monday at 21:30 all three of the other missionaries in my house left to go to their new areas. Which left me alone. SO I cleaned my house extremely well! There was a small mountain of trash that I took out. I was happy! When I was done I just sat and enjoyed it. I then stayed up until 02:00 so I could get my companion. I left the house at 01:45 and took a taxi to the bus station and sat there and waited. When the clock said 03:45 I decided to call the office staff and ask what was going on. This was the conversation:

ME: Hey so it's 03:45 and I have been waiting since 02:00 for my companion. Where is he?

HIM: Oh I called all the zone leaders and told them that they would just get their companions when they come to Cuiabá for the leadership meeting.

ME: Really? I didn't receive a call, and I'm a zone leader.

HIM: I didn't call you?

ME: No.

HIM: Oh I am so sorry.

ME: No it's fine just please make sure and let everyone know next time.

So I went home to sleep. The next day Elder Bowers was supposed to come at 14:30. So I spent all morning studying and cleaning a bit more and I left to get him at 14:20. So I sat at the bus station and waited. I am getting good at that. Due to a bunch of problems he only arrived at 19:30! We went home and he got unpacked and talked for a while. Interesting fact: He met Asa before the mission and hung out with him a bit. He has even been to my old house in Vancouver! I like him a lot.

The next morning (Wednesday) I got a call at 05:00am from the office telling me that Elder Bowers companion arrived at the bus station. SO we went there and picked him up! He is a good guy. He is from Maryland his name is Elder Smittenaar. So we went back home and he got unpacked and we all showered and then lunch!!

Lunch was at Sister Rosana's house. She has two daughters that are 15 and 18 years old. While we were talking, one of the girls asked whether I had a girlfriend at home, and if we are engaged or just dating.

I said,"Well I have a Plan A, which is to marry a certain girl." Then I jokingly said," But if that doesn't work out I don't know what I'll do. I might just come back to Brazil and get aBrazilian." I said it just joking and everyone started laughing and then Rosana (the mom) said,"Come back and get one here in my house!" But she was being serious!! Hahaha, her daughters turned red and said,"MOM!! I can't believe you said that!" She said,"What!? it's every mom's dream to have a son in law that is a returned missionary!" It's rare in this part of the country to have a returned missionary. It was really funny.

Then at 15:30 I left to Cuiabá to go to my meeting. I got about an hour outside of the city and my bus broke down. So we had to get out of the bus and wait for an hour and a half until the mechanic got there to fix it. There were a lot of people complaining. Then I finally got on my way to Cuiabá.

I arrived in Cuiabá at 02:00am and just went to sleep. The meeting the next day was great and I got my companion and we went back to Sorriso. We had a great Friday, Saturday and Sunday helping him get to know the area. Sunday was great!!!!!! The number of people at church was 68!!! When I got here it was only 36 people attending. The members are working with us and working hard and it is really paying off.

On Sunday we also had a baptism in the branch. Not from the missionaries. They asked if Elder Bowers and I knew how to sing. I said yes. So they asked if we could sing right before the ordinance. I accepted! We sang "Nearer My God to Thee" and harmonized. I don't think I have ever sung that well in my life. The Spirit was so strong and everyone was crying! It was such an amazing experience.

I want you all to know that I have a testimony of patience. I had to use it a lot this week and I invite you all to use yours. ALWAYS.

Romans 5:19

Com muito amor,
Elder Roman Laws

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